Mountain Zen: 5 Reasons to Book a Weekend Yoga Retreat

Mountain Zen: 5 Reasons to Book a Weekend Yoga Retreat

Have you ever wanted to step off the carousel of your life and take a complete break?  A yoga retreat is the answer.  If you take care of others in your personal or work life, it’s important to take time out to nurture yourself.  Ask yourself this: if...
Boost Your Immunity with Kundalini Yoga

Boost Your Immunity with Kundalini Yoga

It’s getting nippy and dark out there: cold and flu season is upon us again. But not to worry, there is a lot you can do to skip that low energy beat this year – and that’s without drugs or natural supplements. The magic formula is Kundalini Yoga: an ancient system...
Yoga and Immunity

Yoga and Immunity

Yoga supports the immune and nervous systems as well as bolstering the adrenal glands.  Studies show that yoga, more than a walk in nature or relaxing music, has tangible positive effects on health, including improved immunity, respiration, better...
The More You Move, the Better Your Mood

The More You Move, the Better Your Mood

Inspired by the HSE’s catchy mental health tip, the title of this blog is backed by science.  Numerous studies demonstrate that physical exercise, even a gentle walk, can brighten your mood and change your perspective. The practice of mindful movement, often...

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