Practice yoga, meditation and guided relaxation in the comfort of your own home.
Enjoy & Namaste, Paula.


Guided Relaxation

This track will help you to release tension and fall asleep naturally. Please do not play whilst driving.

Low Back Stabilisation Exercise

This 1 minute exercise will strengthen the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles which support the low back and sacro-iliac area. It can be practiced from standing or sitting in a chair.

Sun Salutation

This 15 minute practice of sun salutation allows you to fit some yoga into your busy day. This practice is not suitable if you are pregnant or if you have a back problem.

Mindful Yoga

This 30 minute floor-based practice will guide you slowly through a series of movements based on hatha yoga. This practice will suit you if you are low in energy, suffering from stress or simply want to relax and unwind for half an hour.
